General Training for the X-ray Facility
The following must be completed in order to be trained on the MIC powder X-ray diffractometers:
Users within UCLA must have a Chemistry & Biochemistry Department recharge account. If you do not have one, one can be requested by filling out and submitting this form to the
Users from outside UCLA must create an online ID here to continue to the following step.
All users must complete the following training modules within Worksafe:
Laboratory Safety Fundamental Concepts (LSFC) Training
Radiation Safety for Users of Radiation Producing Machines
Powder X-ray Diffractometer Training
After completing both LSFC and Radiation Safety Training sessions, please contact Hootan Roshandel for training on the powder diffractometer.
Scheduling and Instrument Reservations
Powder XRD: Users within UCLA must be logged in to the VPN and may access the reservation website. Users outside of UCLA, please contact Tyler Kerr to reserve time up to four weeks in advance.
Single-Crystal XRD: Use of UCLA's single crystal X-ray diffractometer is governed through a queue. The diffractometer waits for no one. To be added to the queue and to receive an estimated time, please contact Tyler Kerr
X-ray structure.
L. M. A. Saleh, R. M. Dziedzic, S. I. Khan, A. M. Spokoyny, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 8466.
Instrument Rates
For information regarding our instrument rates, please contact Tyler Kerr directly.